Today marks 30 days following the Autoimmune Paleo protocol (AIP) way of eating. This feels like a very big milestone, since sticking with anything for 30 days has never been easy for me. I actually have the decision now to start implementing - very slowly - some foods back into my diet. One thing at a time. One week at a time. This does not mean I can now eat donuts or go back to McDonald's. But I'm going to start with an egg yolk this weekend and see if I have any reaction to it. This may seem like a small thing, but after going 30 days without eggs, the idea of eating one is pretty exciting!
At this 30 day mark, I can feel my taste buds changing, my cravings lessening. I'm doing some mental exercises to help me stay on course. I keep envisioning myself healthy and pain free. I keep trying to imagine my body absorbing all of the nutrients in the things I eat. I also tell myself that I "don't" eat some things rather than I "can't" eat them. I got this idea from another blogger and it really does make me feel more in control. More like a choice than a restriction. I also try not to watch food shows anymore, they just make me hungry. Or let myself dwell on all the foods I'm not eating. Tony and I used to love playing "you know what sounds really good right now?" followed by the most indulgent thing we could conjure up in our minds. I had to drop out of that game for now.
Until two days ago, I have been feeling good and the only inflammation I have had is in one elbow. And I'm not taking any RA meds anymore (by choice and with my doctors permission). But two days ago, I woke up with a shoulder flare that has lasted into today. I've been trying to trace it back to something I may have eaten. The only thing I've been having different this last week is drinking 100% orange juice. So I'm going to cut that out just in case. I also watched my 11 month old grand daughter one day and did a lot of crawling around and playing with her on the floor which may have triggered the flare. (I do have to say if that was the cause, it was still totally worth spending the day with her). She was sick that day, too, so it's possible my immune system is fighting a bug. Not to mention there has been a lot of coughing and sneezing going on down at the shelter where we volunteer. We are, after all, smack dab in the middle of flu season.
But it could just be that I'm still in the process of healing. Time, patience, and consistency.... I'm still choosing not to take any meds and still sticking to this protocol.
One of the things I've learned about healing naturally is that this usually involves adding supplements to your diet. Many people with autoimmune diseases are deficient in many vitamins. I have always had a hard time being consistent taking vitamins. There is no good reason for this, other than I usually just forgot to take them! So I bought one of those daily pill holders and put all my supplements for each day in them and find this helps me to remember. After reading various testimonies about what has worked for other people, here is what I'm taking right now: One multi-vitamin (try to get organic because some of the other brands put some additives in there that are not allowed on AIP); an additional 1,000 mg of Vitamin C; 400 mg of Slipper Elm; 500 mg of Niacinamide; 500 mg of L-Glutamine; 300 mg of Omega XL (a higher end fish oil); and a pill that contains 8 billion Acidophilus and Bifidus which is basically a pro biotic. I also added (just today) a joint support supplement that contains things like Holy Basil, Ginger, Green Tea, Chinese Skullcap and other weird herbs I had never heard of until lately.
I've never been a huge pill popper, so this all seems ridiculously excessive. But each one has its own benefits. And I wanted to kick start my healing this first few weeks with as many benefits as I can handle. And I seem to be handling all of them just fine. Plus Tony and I got a really good deal on most of these. We went to take advantage of a "buy one get one free" on vitamins at a local store. Come to find out some of them were mismarked. So, as was their store policy, we got ALL of them (about $25 worth) for free!
I promised to share some recipes here this time around. To make it even easier (well, for me) I'll share some really good sites that have both AIP and regular Paleo recipes.
The best information site so far has been one by "The Paleo Mom". Her real name is Sarah Ballantyne, she has a PhD in medical biophysics. Her own journey to heal herself of an autoimmune disease is very inspiring and she has done so much research on the subject. And she has some amazing recipes! Her new book The Paleo Approach was just released a couple of days ago. I'm getting ready to order it this week-end. You can also find her on The Paleo Mom Facebook Page and on her website just titled The Paleo Mom.
I have not actually made any of Sarah's recipes yet. Tony and I have been getting creative on our own with a lot of different stir-fry dishes that we make up as we go along. Lots of free range chicken, shrimp, grass fed beef and bison cooked in coconut oil with various greens and veggies. But I'm ready to try some of the recipes in Sarah's book and other sites that I've saved just to keep things interesting! Today I'm going to try some homemade crackers made with plantains, sea salt and olive oil!
My second favorite is a blog by Eileen Laird who was also diagnosed with RA and is on her own healing journey. I love her honesty and candidness. Eileen is clear that she is not a doctor nor a dietitian. But her own story was what convinced me to begin this way of life.
Another good site is by Mickey Prescott. Mickey is personal chef and a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner. Her blog has a lot of good information and recipes as well. Mickey has a book out, also, but it's for download only and I struggle with e-books for some reason. I like having a book with paper pages to turn. I know. I'm weird. However, because I like her blog so much, I may have to download this one.
The last recommendation I'll make (for now) is a blog Danielle Walker. She wrote a book Against All Grain that I am also planning on ordering this week. Danielle is another successful story of healing through food.
Looking forward to blogging again at 60 days (unless something significant occurs before that)!
Disclaimer - hopefully I attached the links successfully to the sites I recommended! If not, message me and I'll get them for you!
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