Saturday, April 12, 2014

100 Days and Spring is Here

I hit the 100 day mark on this way of eating.  Still not seeing dramatic changes, but I'm committed just the same.  I'm holding on to the fact that cells can take 6 months or more to change.  And I'm holding on to the testimonies from many, many people that have healed themselves this way.

Flares are still coming without much warning and at random times in random places.  The other day, for example,  I was typing my wrist/hand just kind of blew up. 

It reminds me of the exaggerated lumps on the cartoons when someone would get hit with a sledgehammer.  And the pain is pretty close to what I imagine a sledgehammer hit would feel. :)

Oddly enough, it's getting harder rather than easier to eat this way.  I'm not sure why.  But turning back now is not really an option.  Mostly because it's been 100 days and seriously, who does that?  If I was going to quit, I would have quit that first few weeks when it started getting hard.  Or on Valentines Day when I wanted candy and lots of it.  Or on those really bad flare days when it seemed like what was the use, why not just eat a cinnamon roll?

The closest I came to actually falling off the wagon was a couple of weeks ago when I had the flu.  And it lasted over a week. Nothing healthy sounded or tasted good to eat.  At all.  What I was craving was a doughnut one day, then pasta another day.  Then I wanted pizza.  And ice cream.  It was bizarre.  I was nauseous for days and still craving junk food.  It was all I could do to not beg Tony to go to the bakery for me!  Or order a pizza.  I literally had to force myself to eat healthy, autoimmune protocol acceptable food. 

Tony tried to help by buying me some gluten free bread and made me some toast.  It helped a little.  But what I really wanted was white Wonder bread with a boatload of butter.  I'm ashamed to say that I actually put a piece of a donut that I bought for my granddaughter and let it sit in my mouth then spit it out.  Who does that? I'm not just a glutton for food.  I'm a glutton for punishment.

But I finally got over the weird flu and with it a new resolve to stick this out.  Because I have to and because I realized I will not die if I never eat another donut again (and, believe me, it took some convincing to come to this realization).  And maybe some day there will be an occasional indulgence.  After healing takes place and then only very, very, occasionally.

But I want to be able to say I did everything "by the book" and I'm pretty proud of this 100 day mark! I honestly think pregnancy is about the only thing I've stuck with more than 100 days...

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